Raising Rocket Weekly Journal Rocket the Water Dog

Rocket the Water Dog

As we worked (and continue to work) through the challenges of a bully breed dog, we had to learn to seize opportunities to enjoy all the good things that Rocket is. The bullying happens in spurts and not all of the time. Days, and sometimes weeks, would go by without one incident of Rocket bullying Frank. We began to appreciate these non-bullying days more and more.

Rocket loves a lot of things. He loves attention and he loves to cuddle. He is very sweet when he is settled in for a nap or in the evening. Some part of his body must always be touching his humans. Often times, he will stretch his entire body across us…for hours! As you already know, Rocket loves to hike. He is able to lead the way and can stay on trail without guidance. He is very well behaved on hikes and will always stay close to us whether he is on lead or off lead. The only exception is when another dog passes, and of course, we intervene to ensure he does not lunge at an approaching dog, or human. Another of his favorite pastimes is playing fetch or chewing on his ball. He has several balls and loves them all. He will play ball until we put the ball away, and it must be out of sight, or he will sit and stare at it until it is put away or given to him. Another of his passions is swimming.

Off all the breeds that make up Rocket, a water dog is not one of them! Yet, Rocket loves the water! He will swim for quite some time while fetching a toy or stick at any lake, river, or ocean that he encounters. During hikes, he will quickly follow Frank into any body of water where he can get a drink and lower himself into the cool waters. After a good swim, he leaps out of the water, shakes himself dry, and resumes his hike with a bounce in his step.

All these fun activities help Rocket expend the pent-up energy that has accumulated throughout a typical day while his humans are away at work. It is during these activities and these special moments that we get to see just how special Rocket is, despite his recurring behaviors.

Digital Camera

So, while we continue to struggle with training, and as we recommit on a daily basis to rise to the challenges that come with raising Rocket, we focus on all the good that we see in this abandoned, lost puppy who has grown into a young dog with a big heart.