Raising Rocket Weekly Journal Rocket loves the Beach!

Rocket loves the Beach!

Rocket found his happy place at the beach! While most of us like sand in our toes, Rocket likes sand in his nose! Every time he visits the beach, he immediately breaks into a run and does a sort of dive into the sand. Once down on his belly, he will push forward burying his head and snout into the sand while he rolls over onto his back. Doing this just once is never enough, he must do it repeatedly until every inch of his body is covered in the gritty, course substance that feels warm to the touch.

Intermittently, he will chase Frank along the beach, being careful to stay just clear of the impeding waves from the ocean. Watching the two pups run to their hearts content sure puts a smile on our faces, and you can see the joy in theirs, too! Days like these are greatly appreciated, especially after the first three years of training Rocket with all the ups and downs, all the trials, errors, and unexpected behaviors. It’s days like these that we know we are doing something right and that Rocket belongs to this family, even if he does pose a few challenges once in awhile.

Once Rocket has had his fill of sand diving and beach running, he is ready to go for a swim. On particularly hot days, Rocket will lay in the water, but most of the time, he prefers to remain active. He loves to retrieve sticks or water toys, and when he has had enough, he will simply lie down or refuse to enter the water to retrieve. All that swimming ensures that the sand is rinsed away from his fur, so after a day at the beach, it’s like he has had a good bath! A word of caution to all those who take their pets to the beach…sand can be very hot and cause burns to your dog’s paws, always be sure to check the sand before taking your dog onto the beach. Overcast days will keep the sand cooler, or you may choose to put booties on your dog’s paws. Most of the time, we visit the beach in the evening after the crowds have dispersed and the sun’s rays are not as hot.

Sometimes, we will see Rocket standing on the edge of the water staring out across the open sea or lake. Perhaps it is his way of meditating; it doesn’t last long, though, Rocket is always looking for the next exciting activity. His most recent game is that of biting at the waves, especially the big ones. He is so certain that he can grab them!!!

After a day at the beach, everyone is usually ready to relax and unwind, including Rocket! Tell us about your dog’s favorite activity-we would love to hear from you!!!