Oh, the challenges of raising Rocket! That third-year mark, with the development of Rocket’s fear-based aggression, threw us for a loop. Stunned and worried, yet determined and dedicated, we pressed forward with our efforts to raise a well-behaved pup. We began to relax a bit as we saw that our efforts in keeping Rocket calm and away from stressful situations was working. Our confidence was building, and we were much more comfortable in resuming a normal routine in our lives. Rocket was still full of energy, so we continued hiking trails around our home.

We tried to hike at least once a week. Hiking served to expend some of Rocket’s energy and helped ease his anxiety. We noticed that after a good hike, Rocket rested much more peacefully. He relaxed while lounging around the house and wasn’t quite as quick to react to every little movement around him.

We live in a rural community. Hiking trails are limited, so seeking other methods of exercise is necessary for us to keep Rocket active while meeting our weekly activity goals. Luckily, my parents live on the river, so we can take Rocket there anytime we please.

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa on Sundays remained a special day of the week for Rocket. There, he continued to swim, fetch sticks in the water, run and play with Frank and Hoppy, and most importantly, get his weekly dinner from Grandma and those tasty snacks from Grandpa. By days end, he would be exhausted, and we loved that! An exhausted Rocket is a peaceful, quiet, content Rocket!

Other activities included playing chase in the yard, throwing the ball, working on commands, and simply taking advantage of opportunities to take him with us for car rides or trips. He does so much better for car rides now, especially short ones. Allowing him to stand on the console in the front of the truck so that he can look out at his surroundings helped to keep his mind off the bumps that once frightened him.

Finally, we could breathe a sigh of relief! Life was back to normal once again.