Before training could begin, we needed to know exactly what to call Rocket. We had been using his name from the Animal Shelter, but that just didn’t seem to fit his personality. After only a day or two, it became quite apparent what we should name Rocket. He did everything with lightning speed! When he ran, he would come at you and jump at you, thus propelling himself through the air like a rocket. At this point, he weighed about 40 pounds, so although he was relatively small for a “medium sized” dog, he was powerful. Launching himself through the air remains one of his favorite pastimes. He truly has earned the name “Rocket.” While Rocket is his formal name, and one that is used for training and most day-to-day communications, we do have a couple other fitting nicknames for Rocket. Rocket is a happy dog; he loves everything and always comes to greet those he knows with enthusiasm and excitement. While running to you and wagging his tail, he lunges into your lap for greetings and kisses. It isn’t enough to accept one greeting, he prefers to keep the thrill going for as long as can be tolerated. For this display of affection, he earned the nickname “Cray Cray Happy Pants”. Rocket is like a Squirrel on Crack; everything he does, he does with the utmost attention and speed. He hears everything and quickly sits up and perks his hears to listen to what’s coming next. When it’s time to go out, he runs to the door, promptly sits down until the door is open, then runs outside with excitement. After completing his business outside, he returns to the door, slides into his food bowl, hurriedly sits at attention and waits to be told that he can eat. Rocket is eager to please and quick to show his talents. It is because of his sense of urgency in everything that he does that I often refer to him as a Squirrel on Crack. Like most pet owners, we have other nicknames that slip out from time to time. Little Guy, Sweets, and Rockety, are a few more “terms of endearment” that we use during rare, laid-back moments. So, finally, after a bath…after meeting the family…after exploring his new home…after a couple long, hyper, energy-filled days…after getting his official name, Rocket is ready to begin training.