Raising Rocket Weekly Journal Building Back Trust

Building Back Trust

After our “darkest day” with Rocket, we needed to build back trust. It wasn’t easy. I was very nervous around Rocket for weeks, even months. As the medication began to take effect, we worked on our own behaviors and how we approached Rocket. We also changed our routine, as I mentioned in my previous blog. During the day when we were home with Rocket, we noticed that he returned to his normal, loveable self, and that the medication seemed to be working. He was less “on guard” and not as aggressively reactive to noise and movement. In the evening, we continued to take him to the basement for bed. If he showed any signs of increased tension, we immediately took him to the basement, which became his safe place for both him and for his humans. Often times, if I was sitting on the couch and Rocket jumped up beside me, I would become anxious. I was very focused on his actions and as soon as he stood, I would get up, always being cautious and making sure that I was not allowing him to sit or hover over me.

Rocket worked very hard to win back my affections. He often sat beside me, just staring at me and waiting for me to respond. I slowly began to allow Rocket to jump up beside me, and with a lot of mental effort and caution, I became more comfortable with Rocket being close to me, as he was before the incident occurred. Rocket seems to think he is a lap dog, always moving into my lap or laying by my side with some part of his body touching me.

It has taken several months to feel comfortable again, although, I continue to remain vigilant in my observations of Rocket’s moods and what may be happening around us at any given moment. During these stressful months, with winter weather keeping us shut in for the most part, we had fewer hikes, and Rocket did not feel comfortable outside unless it was to go for a hike – a side effect from his medication. We spent a great deal of time laying around and working in the home office, and really, just working to rebuild our trust with Rocket.

One great thing about living in Ohio, is that the weather never stays the same for long. Even in winter, mild temperatures and sunshine can creep into the forecast and allow for opportunities to get outside and enjoy the outdoors. With that in mind, we made ourselves comfortable and waited for the sun to come out and for the chance to get back out on the trail.

And while we waited, we cozied up in blankets and dreamt of brighter days…as it turned out, we wouldn’t have to wait too long!