With fair weather upon us, we turned our attention to the many summertime activities in which we could enjoy the great outdoors! We spent a great deal of time camping at various campgrounds around our home state, partly for pleasure and partly due to our work schedule. Rocket was comfortable in the camper. He and Frank would find their favorite spots, usually either sitting on our laps, when we were home, or vying for the best spot near the window. During our busy months at work, we would spend anywhere from three to five days a week in the camper, and that doesn’t count our vacations. Vacations would last ten days to three weeks depending on our destination for our annual trip, so we were able to spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, and that included the workdays. Hiking, swimming, running and playing were all welcomed activities that helped to keep Rocket content. Because we camped at various destinations, Rocket always had something new to pique his interest, new places to explore, and fun, new events to partake in.

One particular event was a Heroes Day 5K and Wellness Event that benefitted the local Hoops For Heart Volunteer Fire Department. This event was held at a campground near Woodsfield, Ohio. Because we had been hiking on the trails for many weeks by this time, and because we absolutely loved the owners of the campground, we wanted to support this event. It was only natural that we signed up for the 5K with our pups. This was a really fun weekend as our family joined us for the 5K and the campground festivities. We all dressed in our patriotic attire and finished the race at our own pace. Medals were handed out to all of us (except for the pups), but the big treat was the food waiting after the race! Vendors were on hand, several fire departments competed in a fun water hose fight, food was offered, and entertainment was heard. By day’s end, Rocket was wore out…aahhh, success!